Fingering for C# Chord
Question by Dinorah
Is there an alternative fingering for the C# chord? I really have trouble not strumming the high E and low E strings.
The chord shape I assume you're talking about, Dinorah, is the A form barre chord.

(note: I realise the photo shows me playing B, but all we do is move that shape up a couple of frets for C#)
Try using the tip of your barred index finger to touch and mute the low E string.
In the above fingering, with the index finger barred right over, the high E will just provide a higher 5th in the chord.
However, if you're playing it like below, you can block out the high E by raising your ring finger up slightly, touching but not fretting the high E.

Alternatively, try touching the high E with your pinky finger.
Some other ways to play C#...
By learning the
main barre chord forms, you will have many different options for learning C# and other chords.
And don't forget, you can cut barre chord shapes down to just 3 and 4 strings.
For example, we could cut down the A form from above and include only the tones necessary for a major triad - the root, 3rd and 5th. These, however, are more for picking rather than strumming, as there are more strings to avoid hitting!

Hope this helps. Muting comes with time, just keep practising using your fingers, both fretted and free, to touch and mute any strings you don't want to ring.