Barre Chord Exercise #1
Chord Sequence
Backing Track
1. E Shape - F Major (1st fret)

2. E Shape - A minor (5th fret)

3. A Shape - D minor (5th fret)

4. A Shape - C♯maj7 (4th fret)

5. A Shape - C7sus4 (3rd fret)

6. A Shape - C7 (3rd fret)

7. E Shape - G minor (3rd fret)

8. A Shape - C7 (3rd fret)

...then repeat!
fingers will no doubt ache a bit or cramp up after two plays or even
just one
play through this progression. Shake off, stretch and continue.
Barre Chord Exercise #2
Chord Sequence
Backing Track
1. C Shape - Fmaj9 (8th fret)

2. A Shape - Dm7 (5th fret)

3. E Shape - Am7 (5th fret)

4. E Shape - Gm9 (3rd fret)

5. A/C Shape - C9sus4 (3rd fret)

6. C Shape - E♭9 (6th fret)

Barre Chord Exercise #3
Chord Sequence
Backing Track
1. A Shape - C♯sus2 (4th fret)

2. D Shape - Eadd6 (2nd fret)

3. E Shape - F♯ Major (2nd fret)

4. E Shape - A Major (5th fret)

5. A Shape - C♯ Major (4th fret)

6. C Shape - E♭m11 (6th fret)

7. C Shape - Emaj7 (7th fret)

8. E Shape - A Major (5th fret)

Work on these exercises every day, or as often as you can, and try and come up with your own barre chord changes. The more awkward the fingering, the better! Constantly challenge yourself and develop that muscle memory.